Apartment Capital Group
Priority Application Form
Borrower Information
Company Borrowing or Entity Name
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Company Address
Company City, State, Zip ,      
Bus. Phone   ext:
Bus. Fax  
Email (required)
Best time to call
Preferred method of contactEmail   Phone
Name of ownership entity (Individual, LLC, Corporation, Trust, etc.)
Social Security # of primary borrower
Home Address of primary borrower
Home City, State, Zip of primary borrower ,      
Have you ever filed for bankruptcyYes    No
If so, when was it discharged

Property Information
Property Name (if any)
Property Address
Property City, State, Zip ,      
Property Type
Year Built
Current Occupancy % %
Affordable Housing (Section 8, Tax Credit, Income Limit)Yes    No    Some
If Yes, what program
Number of Buildings
Number of Units
Unit Mix:
Studio: One Bedroom: Two Bedroom: Three Bedroom: Other:
Square Footage (enter numbers only - do not use commas):
Studio: One Bedroom: Two Bedroom: Three Bedroom: Other:
Lot Size Acres
Do you have an appraisalYes    No
If yes, what year was the appraisal performed
Value of Appraisal$
Do you have an environmental reportYes    No
If yes, what year was the environmental report performed
When did you purchase the property
What was the purchase price$
Was the property originally built as apartmentsYes    No
How would you rate the condition of the property
Can you think of any deferred maintenance?
Is the property serviced by city sewer and waterYes    No
Does the property contain aluminum branch electrical wiring?Yes    No    Don't Know
Are tenants on annual leases, month-to-month leases, or both?Annual    Month to Month    Both
Are there any furnished unitsYes    No
Would the property be considered student orientedYes    No
How is the property managed? Self-Managed
Management Company
Resident Manager
Are you aware of any facility within ¼ mile that generates or handles materials that may be considered toxic or hazardous: e.g. dry cleaners, service stations, oil change facilities, etc.

Operating Data2001Current Year Forecast
Annual Gross Rental Income (actual)$ $
Other Income (Laundry, Vending, etc)$ $
Annual Operating Expenses (do not include debt service or depreciation)$ $

Loan Information
Loan PurposeAquisition    Refinance
Loan Amount Desired$
Purchase Price or Estimated Property Value$
Loan Type DesiredFixed Rate    Adjustable Rate
Desired Loan Term in Years
Loan Amortization in Years
Preferred Loan Features: 1st Priority:
2nd Priority:
3rd Priority:
When do you plan to acquire/refinance?
If acquisition, is purchase agreement fully executedYes    No
Other considerations or circumstances
First Mortgage Balance (if any)$
First Mortgage Interest Rate (if any) %
Payable to:
Second Mortgage Balance$
Second Mortgage Interest Rate %
Payable To:
Are there any other Liens or Interests in the property
Do any existing mortgages have prepayment penalties? If so, describe
Where did you first hear about Apartment Capital Group
Comments or questions

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